2. Related Works
2.1. 2D Diffusion Models for 3D Generation
2.2. 3D Generative Models and 2.3. Multi-view Diffusion Models
3. Problem Formulation
3.2. The Distribution of 3D Assets
4. Method and 4.1. Consistent Multi-view Generation
5. Experiments
5.4. Single View Reconstruction
5.5. Novel View Synthesis and 5.6. Discussions
6. Conclusions and Future Works, Acknowledgements and References
5.3. Evaluation ProtocolEvaluation Datasets. Following prior research [31, 33], we adopt the Google Scanned Object dataset [13] for our evaluation, which includes a wide variety of common everyday objects. Our evaluation dataset matches that of SyncDreamer [33], comprising 30 objects that span from everyday items to animals. For each object in the evaluation set, we render an image with a size of 256×256, which serves as the input. Additionally, to assess the generalization ability of our model, we include some images with diverse styles collected from the internet in our evaluation.
\ Metrics. To evaluate the quality of the single-view reconstructions, we adopt two commonly used metrics Chamfer Distances (CD) and Volume IoU between ground-truth shapes and reconstructed shapes. Since different methods adopt various canonical systems, we first align the generated shapes to the ground-truth shapes before calculating the two metrics. Moreover, we adopt the metrics PSNR, SSIM [62] and LPIPS [74] for evaluating the generated color images.
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:::info Authors:
(1) Xiaoxiao Long, The University of Hong Kong, VAST, MPI Informatik and Equal Contributions;
(2) Yuan-Chen Guo, Tsinghua University, VAST and Equal Contributions;
(3) Cheng Lin, The University of Hong Kong with Corresponding authors;
(4) Yuan Liu, The University of Hong Kong;
(5) Zhiyang Dou, The University of Hong Kong;
(6) Lingjie Liu, University of Pennsylvania;
(7) Yuexin Ma, Shanghai Tech University;
(8) Song-Hai Zhang, The University of Hong Kong;
(9) Marc Habermann, MPI Informatik;
(10) Christian Theobalt, MPI Informatik;
(11) Wenping Wang, Texas A&M University with Corresponding authors.
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