Implementing a robust authentication system is crucial for mobile applications. In this guide, I'll walk you through setting up Auth0 authentication with Expo Router, creating a seamless and secure user experience.
PrerequisitesBefore starting, ensure you have:
First, install the Auth0 React Native SDK:
yarn add react-native-auth0\
Step 2: Configure Auth0Create an auth0.config.js file in your project root:
const config = { clientId: "YOUR_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID", domain: "YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN", } export default configReplace the placeholders with your actual Auth0 credentials.
Step 3: Create an Authentication ContextThe authentication context will manage the auth state throughout your app. Create a file called useAuth.tsx in your hooks directory:
import { createContext, useContext, useEffect, useState } from "react" import { useAuth0 } from "react-native-auth0" import { router, useSegments, useRootNavigationState } from "expo-router" // Define the shape of our auth context type AuthContextType = { signIn: () => PromiseThis context provides:
Step 4: Set Up the Root LayoutUpdate your app/_layout.tsx file to include the Auth0Provider and AuthProvider:
import { Auth0Provider } from "react-native-auth0" import config from "@/auth0.config" import { AuthProvider } from "@/hooks/useAuth" // Other imports... export default function RootLayout() { // Other code... return (\
Step 5: Create the Authentication GroupExpo Router uses directory-based routing. Create an (auth) directory in your app folder with a layout file:
// app/(auth)/_layout.tsx import { Stack } from "expo-router" export default function AuthLayout() { return (\
Step 6: Create the Login ScreenCreate a login screen in app/(auth)/login.tsx:
import { ThemedText } from "@/components/ThemedText" import { useAuth } from "@/hooks/useAuth" import { StyleSheet, View, TouchableOpacity, ActivityIndicator, } from "react-native" export default function LoginScreen() { const { signIn, isLoading, error } = useAuth() return (\
Step 7: Create a Profile ScreenAdd a profile screen to display user information and provide a logout option:
// app/(tabs)/profile.tsx import { ThemedText } from "@/components/ThemedText" import { useAuth } from "@/hooks/useAuth" import { StyleSheet, View, TouchableOpacity, Image, ScrollView, } from "react-native" export default function ProfileScreen() { const { user, signOut, isLoading } = useAuth() return (\
Step 8: Update the Tabs LayoutEnsure your tabs layout includes the profile tab and checks authentication:
// app/(tabs)/_layout.tsx import { useAuth } from "@/hooks/useAuth" // Other imports... export default function TabLayout() { const { isAuthenticated } = useAuth() // Redirect to login if not authenticated React.useEffect(() => { if (!isAuthenticated) { // The AuthProvider will handle the redirect } }, [isAuthenticated]) return (\
Step 9: Create a Root RedirectFinally, create a root index file to handle initial routing:
// app/index.tsx import { Redirect } from "expo-router" import { useAuth } from "@/hooks/useAuth" export default function Index() { const { isAuthenticated, isLoading } = useAuth() // While checking authentication status, don't redirect yet if (isLoading) { return null } // Redirect based on authentication status return isAuthenticated ? (\
How It Works\
Benefits of This Approach\
ConclusionSetting up Auth0 with Expo Router provides a robust authentication system for your mobile application. This approach leverages Expo Router's group-based routing to create a clean separation between authenticated and unauthenticated content, while the authentication context manages the state and provides a consistent interface for authentication operations.
By following this guide, you've implemented a complete authentication flow that handles login, logout, and protected routes in a maintainable and scalable way.
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