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Researchers Develop Promising Method for Collecting Facial Expression Data Through Gamification

DATE POSTED:January 14, 2025

:::info Authors:

(1) Krist Shingjergji, Educational Sciences, Open University of the Netherlands, Heerlen, The Netherlands ([email protected]);

(2) Deniz Iren, Center for Actionable Research, Open University of the Netherlands, Heerlen, The Netherlands ([email protected]);

(3) Felix Bottger, Center for Actionable Research, Open University of the Netherlands, Heerlen, The Netherlands;

(4) Corrie Urlings, Educational Sciences, Open University of the Netherlands, Heerlen, The Netherlands;

(5) Roland Klemke, Educational Sciences, Open University of the Netherlands, Heerlen, The Netherlands.


:::tip Editor's note: This is Part 6 of 6 of a study detailing the development of a gamified method of acquiring annotated facial emotion data. Read the rest below.



In this paper, we introduced a novel approach for explainable FER that promises three related contributions. First, by means of gamification, we have developed a method for collecting annotated face expression data continuously, which allows us to describe the facial expressions of six basic emotions as a distribution of AUs. Secondly, we proposed and evaluated an interpretable FER explainability method that uses AUs as features to describe the outcomes of FER models, i.e., facial emotion classes. The experimental observations indicate that the natural language explanations of face expressions are interpretable by humans. Our quantitative and qualitative results highlight improvement opportunities regarding the design of Facegame and how we communicate the face expression explanations. Finally, we observed that the players were able to


\ improve their face expression and perception skills by playing the game.

\ Our results have potential theoretical and practical implications. Our method of acquiring nuanced face expressions (i.e., distributions of AUs) that correlate with facial emotion classes provides a means to improve the performance of inthe-wild FER models. Such performance improvements may pave the way for novel practical approaches in many domains, such as online synchronous learning [46]. Moreover, the gamification approach offers a sustainable, continuous selftraining process of FER models. Our explainability method that uses AUs as intermediary features to describe facial emotions provides a novel approach towards achieving interpretable, human-friendly explanations of FER models. In this study, we conducted our experiment and analyses on a limited sample. In the future, based on the observations and feedback collected during this study, we will continue this line of research and improve the ways of providing prescriptions to the players of Facegame by combining the natural language explanations with graphical methods. Finally, the quality of the data was assured by using a threshold of the score as a selection criterion. The score of the trial was calculated by the presence/absence of the AUs regardless of the intensity which has the risk of including data with exaggerating facial expressions and introducing bias to the data set [47]. In future studies, we aim to include the intensity of the AUs as well as a higher threshold in the selection criteria to increase the accuracy and fairness of the collected data set.

\ The goal of this study is limited to the evaluation of gamification as a data collection method. In the future, we aim to collect more data by crowdsourcing a large number of players which will result in a more in-depth analysis of the collected data set. In this setting, the player was asked to mimic the facial expressions of a face displaying one emotion and not triggered to experience that emotion. This approach has limitations considering that there are differences between the posed and spontaneous facial expressions in morphological and dynamic aspects of certain emotions [48] as well as demographical mismatches between the target image and the player. In future studies, we aim to increase the variance of the dataset by including in the set of the target images faces with spontaneous facial expressions as well as increasing the demographic diversity of the target images.


In this study, the personal data collection was limited to facial images of the players. The collected data were securely stored in the server of the research institute which can only be accessed by the researchers of this study, The participants were informed regarding the experiment and data collection, and they provided consent prior to taking part in the experiment.


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