\ API documentation is critical in enabling developers to understand and utilize your API effectively.
\ High-quality documentation ensures that your API is accessible, user-friendly, and capable of driving adoption among your target audience.
\ If you already use Docusaurus to manage your technical documentation, you can seamlessly leverage its ecosystem to integrate API documentation using the OpenAPI plugin and theme.
\ This guide walks you through adding API documentation to your Docusaurus project using the OpenAPI plugin and theme.
\ By the end of this tutorial, you will have a fully functional API documentation section powered by your OpenAPI specification on your Docusaurus site.
What Will You Learn?\ Whether you're an experienced developer or a technical writer new to API documentation, this guide offers step-by-step instructions to simplify the integration process.
Why Use the OpenAPI Plugin and Theme?The OpenAPI plugin and theme for Docusaurus bring powerful features to your API documentation workflow:
These tools allow you to deliver polished API documentation that meets the high standards developers expect.
PrerequisitesEnsure that you have the following:
\ Now, let’s get started with integrating your API documentation into Docusaurus.
Step 1: Set Up Docusaurus with TypeScriptTo begin, you’ll need to set up a new Docusaurus project. Using TypeScript is highly recommended over JavaScript for enhanced type-checking, code reliability, and a smoother developer experience, especially when configuring and maintaining API documentation.
\ Create a New Docusaurus Project
At this point, you have a fully initialized Docusaurus project. The following steps involve configuring it to support API documentation using the OpenAPI plugin and theme.
Step 2: Convert Your OpenAPI JSON to YAMLThe OpenAPI plugin works best with YAML files due to their simplicity and readability. If your OpenAPI specification is currently in JSON format, you’ll need to convert it to YAML.
\ This process is straightforward and can be accomplished using free online tools.
Why Use YAML?Readable Format: YAML’s structure is more human-readable than JSON's, especially for larger specifications.
Ease of Management: Indentation-based formatting makes organizing and editing the file easier.
A reliable tool such as Site24x7 JSON to YAML Converter simplifies the conversion.
Step 3: Install the OpenAPI Plugin and ThemeWith your Docusaurus project set up and the YAML file prepared, the next step is to install the OpenAPI plugin and theme. These tools will help generate and style your API documentation seamlessly.
\ Installation Commands:
Run the following commands in your terminal to install the required packages:
yarn add docusaurus-plugin-openapi-docs yarn add docusaurus-theme-openapi-docs\ Once installed, your project can be configured for API documentation integration.
Step 4: Configure docusaurus.config.tsNow, update the Docusaurus configuration file (docusaurus.config.ts) to enable the OpenAPI plugin and theme. This file controls the behavior of your Docusaurus project.
\ Add Necessary Imports
At the top of the configuration file, add these imports:
import type * as Plugin from "@docusaurus/types/src/plugin"; import type * as OpenApiPlugin from "docusaurus-plugin-openapi-docs";\ Update the Presets Section.
Locate the presets section and include the following line in the docs Configuration:
docItemComponent: "@theme/ApiItem",\ The updated presets Configuration should look like this:
presets: [ [ "classic", { docs: { sidebarPath: "./sidebars.ts", docItemComponent: "@theme/ApiItem", // Derived from docusaurus-theme-openapi }, theme: { customCss: "./src/css/custom.css", }, } satisfies Preset.Options, ], ],\ Configure the Plugin and Theme:
Add the following configuration for the OpenAPI plugin and theme before the export default config; Line:
plugins: [ [ 'docusaurus-plugin-openapi-docs', { id: "api", // Unique ID for the plugin docsPluginId: "classic", // Refers to the preset-classic Docusaurus setup config: { petstore: { specPath: "openapitest.yaml", // Path to your OpenAPI YAML file outputDir: "docs/rpcapi", // Where the generated API docs will be stored sidebarOptions: { groupPathsBy: "tag", // Group endpoints by tags in the sidebar }, } satisfies OpenApiPlugin.Options, } }, ] ], themes: ["docusaurus-theme-openapi-docs"], // Add the OpenAPI theme for visual stylingKey Configuration Details
specPath: Path to your OpenAPI YAML file. Update it with the actual location if it is different.
outputDir: Directory where the API documentation will be generated. You can customize this.
groupPathsBy: Groups endpoints by tags in the OpenAPI spec, improving navigation in the sidebar.
Save your changes to docusaurus.config.ts.
Step 5: Generate API DocumentationWith the configuration complete, you’re ready to generate the API documentation.
\ In this tutorial, the docs.rpcapi folder (or the folder you specified in outputDir).
\ Command to Generate Documentation:
Run the following command in the root of your Docusaurus project:
yarn docusaurus gen-api-docs allThis command processes your OpenAPI YAML file and generates API documentation in the specified output directory.
\ Expected Output:
You should see a response similar to this:
Successfully created "docs/rpcapi" Successfully created "docs/rpcapi/sidebar.ts" Successfully created "docs/rpcapi/rsk-rpc-methods-v-0-9-0-with-apikey.info.mdx" Successfully created "docs/rpcapi/eth-accounts.api.mdx" ✨ Done in 3.02s.Your API documentation is now generated and ready to be served on your Docusaurus site.
Step 6: View the DocumentationAfter generating your API documentation, you can preview it by running the Docusaurus development server.
\ Start the Development Server.
\ In your terminal, navigate to the root of your Docusaurus project and run the following command:
yarn start\ This command starts the Docusaurus development server and makes your site available locally.
\ Access the Documentation:
Once the server is running, open your web browser and navigate to:
http://localhost:3000Your newly generated API documentation is neatly organized and rendered based on your OpenAPI specification.
\ What to Expect:
Your API documentation will include:
Congratulations! You’ve successfully integrated API documentation into your Docusaurus site using the OpenAPI plugin and theme.
\ This setup provides your API consumers with a clean, interactive interface to explore:
\ By leveraging the power of Docusaurus and OpenAPI, maintaining and updating your API documentation becomes seamless and efficient, ensuring it evolves alongside your API.
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