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Why I'm Cautiously Optimistic About AI's Impact on Society

DATE POSTED:September 16, 2024
What do you think of the whole AI trend taking the internet by storm right now?

If you're like most people I've talked to recently, you're somewhat wary of it. But there's a lot of silver lining to the AI cloud steadily advancing over the internet that I want to point out, and I thought I should let you know how I'm using it going forward in my work as an Applied Neuroscience Strategist.

Let's Start With the Negatives…

AI is going to exacerbate the enshittification of the content realm of the internet. AI is rocket fuel for the content farms of the internet that pump out poorly researched articles and videos about everything under the sun. On your YouTube recommended page and in your search results, expect a lot more content of dubious veracity. You should now have a heightened sense of skepticism about everything hear online.

\ YouTube was ground zero for the enshittification; with their censorship policies, their pushing content creators into doing low-effort streaming, and their algorithmic boosting of brain-deadening shorts. Expect YouTube to become just flooded with AI-generated content; be skeptical of faceless channels, look for channels run by actual people who appear on camera and have a broader internet presence.

AI is going to eat up a lot of jobs in the IT and creative fields. Once upon a time, I was a nightclub promoter, and we paid a pretty penny to graphic designers in Denver to create flyers for our weekly events. Now, AI can do that at a tiny fraction of the cost. Programmers, coders, and web developers now need to worry about AI replacing them. Many predict that this will be a massive driver of technological unemployment, necessitating a universal basic income.

\ I'm not so pessimistic about the future; in the not-so-distant future, I see Bitcoin arising as the global reserve currency; I argue that Bitcoin will make civilization sane again; the satanically-inversed, money-as-debt, fiat banking system has and is harming the economy so much more than AI ever will. Freed of it, the downstream positives are hard to fathom.

AI will accelerate the digital enslavement of human sexuality. I expect even more lost generations of men to lose themselves in the mire of the pixel-powered pleasure world. The only solution to this is the personal one, take back your sexual sovereignty from the digital sea of siren simulacrums drawing you toward a life of quiet desperation. A Tantra practice is a good place for men to start that reconquista!

\ The silver lining on this, as I pointed out in a Twitter thread a while back, is that AI is going to compete aggressively with the sad mass of women who have become digital sex workers on OnlyFans. The majority of them simply won't be able to compete with AI and will hopefully turn to a more decent way to make their living.

Will AI begin editing our genes and eventually transform us into slave species? I had the pleasure of debating this with one of the greatest minds on the internet who wrote an amazing book on the topic. If it does, it will be thousands of years in the future, and in the interim, our species will enjoy an enlightened golden age that the greatest science fiction authors could only fathom on DMT.

\ That golden age will present ample opportunity for the planetary decentralization of humanity, ensuring its survival. The cosmos will be pregnant with the brilliance of our progeny.

The Positives

AI is going to break the monopoly on good movies and television long-held largely by the enemies of civilization. Current society has been poisoned for at least a half-century by the demoralizing propaganda pumped out by Hollywood (and more recently, Netflix). With AI, independent filmmakers (with an edifying message to spread) can now compete. How might our culture shift in a positive direction if every year there were ten movies like The Sound of Freedom coming out?

\ AI will result in some amazing scientific breakthroughs in anti-aging science. AI will assist scientists in cross-referencing studies on Pubmed and crunching data from clinical trials. AI will help citizen scientists, like you and me, sniff out bad science. AI will take a lot of tedium out of researching, developing, and bringing to market innovative new health products. I expect boom times ahead in the lifespan business!

The AI Trend Is Like Many Other Trends Cast in a Negative Light

Bad for the normie, but something the Lifehacker can yield for their edification. Bad for the masses of passive consumers who sit on their couches entranced by a glowing box. But potentially very good for the proactive man or woman with a vision of grandeur for their life or the world.

How I'm Using AI

My wife and I - I promse she's NOT AI

Writing is a lifelong passion of mine, and researching Biohacking, antiaging, and philosophy is a +12-year passion that's led me to enjoy a life of meaning, beauty, and adventure. So, this time-consuming part of my life and work is NOT something I'm going to be outsourcing in a major way to AI.

\ Recently, I was doing some research for a Biohacking coaching client on how to stimulate neuroplasticity in the vision centers of the brain. I was just curious what ChatGPT could find; it produced a thorough listicle of neuroplasticity hacks, but when I clicked on the studies it provided as evidence, I discovered that all the links were to the wrong studies.

\ So, it's got a long way to go! I'll be using it merely for brainstorming and to diversify my perspective on whatever I'm researching.

\ Podcasting is another thing I'm not going to outsource to AI. I enjoy talking to the internet, narrating my articles, answering your Q&A questions, or sharing my musings. I won't be running my voice through one of those replicator tools that turns it into narration voice.

\ The image generators I use almost daily now to create poignant imagery for articles or video thumbnail slides. I use Google's ImageFX, Imagine AI, and Gab.AI.

\ Video editing takes up an UNGODLY amount of time; any AI tools that allow me to streamline this will free up a lot of time for me to work creatively instead.

\ Limitless Mindset music is now a thing. I have the musical aptitude of a rock, so I've begun creating catchy songs that summarize my various articles and podcasts with and appending them to almost every new upload (a good reason to listen till the end!) Check out the growing library of Limitless Mindset AI songs here; they sound about as good as anything you'll hear on the radio in a variety of genres! My favorite is The Uridine Monophosphate Groove, a country western banger about the Nootropic.

\ AI music may seem terribly gimmicky, but give a listen to my Suno library; one of them might just stick your head reminding of you a crucial Biohacking factoid!
