\ Modern user interfaces demand high interactivity and usability. This article explores how to create a powerful, adaptive multi-select component using the Vue 3 Composition API. The ChipsMultiSelect component combines the features of a dropdown list, visual selection in the form of "chips," and built-in filtering functionality.
Selected items are displayed as "chips".\ Real-time Filtering: The component integrates a dropdown list, a set of chips, and an input field for filtering.
\ Dynamic Resizing: When there are too many chips, they wrap to a new row, adjusting the height of the input field accordingly.
Implementation Details Challenges:Styling the input field to display chips while ensuring proper caret positioning after the chips was a significant challenge. Additionally, the input field needs to shift dynamically to align with the last row of chips when they span multiple lines.
Solution:Using editable divs (contenteditable=true) instead of traditional input fields simplifies styling and implementation. This approach resolves positioning and styling issues efficiently.
\ Key Techniques:
Encapsulates ChipsList, dropdown list, and filtering functionality.
\ \ ChipsList:
Main component (ChipsMultiSelect)
Real-World ApplicationsThis article demonstrates how to create an interactive UI component that:
\ ChipsMultiSelect showcases the power of Vue 3 in building interactive UI components. Its flexibility and robust functionality make it a valuable tool for web developers, seamlessly integrating into projects to enhance user experience.
\ Source Code: https://github.com/lyashov/ChipsMultiSelect.git
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