Apache DolphinScheduler is a distributed, decentralized, and scalable visual DAG workflow task scheduling systeåm. It is committed to solving the complex dependencies in data processing workflows, making the scheduling system ready-to-use out of the box. Ambari is a tool for managing Hadoop clusters. Although Ambari does not directly support the installation of DolphinScheduler, we can integrate it into Ambari through a custom service. This article will describe how to use Ambari to install DolphinScheduler.
1. Ambari Service Installation PackagePlace the service installation package that needs to be integrated into Ambari in the following directory:
/var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/3.1/services 2. Restart the Ambari-server Service sudo ambari-server restartAfter the integration, you can proceed with the service installation on the Ambari web page.
After making the changes, save and restart the ambari-server service to reinstall DolphinScheduler.
After making these changes, start DolphinScheduler from the Ambari management platform. The metadata will be automatically initialized and tables will be created during the startup process.
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