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How gen AI is impacting low-code software development

DATE POSTED:October 15, 2024
How gen AI is impacting low-code software development

Advances in software development have had profound changes from hand-coded to more machine-like approaches. Probably the most transformative technology that came out of this evolution is Low-Code/No-Code (LCNC) platforms, whose sole purpose it is to make development easier and faster.

The tsunami of demands for faster application development in the wake of digital transformation has fueled the growth of LCNC platforms. With this wave, it brought an even more potent force: Generative AI, otherwise known as Gen AI, which changed the way developers (novice and expert) interact with LCNC platforms.

This article discusses how gen AI is driving innovation in low-code software development, with regards to the technological aspects and implications.

1. Synergy between gen AI and low-code development

Low-code platforms give the graphical interfaces and the pre-built components; therefore, it is an opportunity for the developer to focus on putting together the applications rather than laboriously coding from scratch. However, these platforms still require decision-making on architecture, logic, and workflow orchestration.

This is where Gen AI steps in—augmenting the capabilities of low-code platforms by automating more complex decision-making and even generating portions of application logic autonomously.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) for application design

One of the most significant intersections between Gen AI and low-code development is through NLP. Developers can interact with LCNC platforms using natural language queries or prompts.

For example, instead of sketching an appropriate database schema, a user would prefer to ask an AI-driven tool to “design a database schema for e-commerce,” and the tool will be able to present a scalable, optimized schema. The facility actually reduces the time users with less technical background have to enter into learning curves but also will accelerate the overall development cycle of experienced developers.

2. Generative AI in code generation and augmentation AI-powered code recommendations

Most LCNC platforms still involve some degree of manual coding, especially for custom functionality. Gen AI models such as OpenAI’s Codex or GitHub Copilot are already being integrated into LCNC environments. These tools offer intelligent suggestions for code snippets, auto-complete functions, or generate entire blocks of logic based on the user’s input. The idea is to minimize repetitive tasks, allowing developers to focus on more strategic, high-value work.

Example use case: Auto-generating microservices

One of the modern software hot trends comes from microservices architecture: it allows for building modular and highly scalable systems, but designing, coding, and deploying them is very complex. Gen AI can automate microservice generation within a low-code platform by interpreting user-defined requirements and generating service interfaces, data models, and even testing scripts.

For instance, by specifying that a microservice should manage user authentication, Gen AI can automatically build the required API endpoints, database connections, and security protocols.

AI in error detection and debugging

Error detection and debugging in low-code environments can be challenging, especially when dealing with auto-generated or customized components. Gen AI can assist in identifying potential pitfalls before they become critical issues. Tools that use machine learning models trained on large datasets of code can predict where issues are most likely to arise and suggest fixes proactively.

3. Data integration and workflow automation

The highest pain points in the application development would be through data integration. The biggest challenge is trying to connect different kinds of disparate data, such as from a database, API, or legacy system. Low-code platforms simplify this task with pre-built connectors, but the challenge of data normalization, mapping, and synchronization remains. Gen AI plays a pivotal role in automating these processes.

Automated data mapping

Traditionally, data integration involves manually mapping data fields from one system to another. Gen AI can intelligently map these fields by analyzing metadata, data structures, and usage patterns.

For example, when integrating a CRM system with an ERP platform, Gen AI can predict the appropriate field mappings (e.g., customer name, address, transaction history) based on historical patterns, dramatically reducing development time.

Optimized workflow automation

In a similar vein, Gen AI enhances workflow automation. Low-code platforms often include workflow engines for defining and automating business processes. Gen AI can automatically generate workflows based on high-level descriptions of a business process For instance, suppose an insurance firm wants to illustrate the workflow of processing claims. Gen AI would produce a workable process flow containing document verification procedures, stages of approval involved, and their corresponding notices to customers.

4. User experience (UX) design AI-driven prototyping and UI generation

So, it is usually the bottle-neck in development: intuitive and attractive UIs. Gen AI can help do that by generating prototypes based on user specs describing an ideal appearance for the UI. Instead of dragging and dropping components within a low-code interface, they can describe what they have in mind for the UI in natural language, and the AI will render an interactive, responsive UI.

Example: Dynamic form creation

Imagine a scenario where a business needs to collect customer feedback through a dynamic form. By describing the form’s requirements—such as fields for customer details, ratings, and feedback—Gen AI can not only generate the form but also optimize its layout based on user interaction patterns. It could suggest adaptive form fields, conditional logic (e.g., if the rating is below 3, ask for additional comments), and validation mechanisms, all while maintaining a responsive design for different devices.

5. Real-time collaboration & version control

Low-code platforms are generally adopted by various teams, including business analysts, developers, as well as product managers. Ensuring smooth collaboration among team members, particularly when multiple versions of an application are involved, is another area where Gen AI offers value.

AI for version control and merge conflict resolution

Traditional version control systems (e.g., Git) handle code conflicts well, but the same complexity arises in low-code platforms when multiple users make changes to workflows, UI elements, or logic. Gen AI models can detect potential merge conflicts earlier by predicting areas of overlap based on usage history and suggest automated conflict resolutions.

Additionally, by tracking changes in real-time, AI can offer recommendations on the best approaches to combine or reconcile these changes, ensuring smooth collaboration.

6. Security and compliance

Security concerns are now emerging even more frequently as low-code platforms become increasingly popular in enterprise environments. Gen AI introduces new layers of security by proactively identifying vulnerabilities in generated code or application workflows.

AI for security auditing

For instance, AI models trained on secure coding practices can analyze auto-generated code in real-time, flagging areas that may pose security risks. Whether it’s SQL injection vulnerabilities, insecure API usage, or improper encryption techniques, AI-powered tools can offer real-time suggestions and even auto-correct insecure code before it reaches production.

Automated compliance checks

Applications need to satisfy various requirements as laid down by regulations, be it HIPAA in the world of health care or in finance, GDPR. Gen AI can assist low-code developers by automatically checking generated applications against compliance rules.

For example, if a user builds a form to collect personal data, AI can flag fields that require encryption or alert the user if consent mechanisms are missing, ensuring regulatory compliance is baked into the application from the outset.

7. Scaling and performance pptimization AI-powered scalability

Scaling an application involves not only increasing its capacity to handle traffic but also optimizing backend processes, database interactions, and microservice orchestration. Gen AI tools can continuously monitor application performance and suggest optimizations in real-time.

If a low-code platform generates a web app, Gen AI could analyze server load, API latency, or memory usage and recommend adjustments like database indexing, load balancing, or caching mechanisms.

Performance testing

Traditionally, performance testing involves running stress tests and analyzing logs to identify bottlenecks. Gen AI can automate this process by generating synthetic user traffic based on historical usage patterns and predicting potential performance issues before they occur in a live environment. This proactive approach ensures that applications developed on low-code platforms are both scalable and reliable.

Gen AI will shape low-code applications

Fast generative AI is becoming one of the key drivers for future growth in low-code software development. Improving by eliminating the need for human intervention and optimizing decisions, Gen AI further enables developers and non-technical users to develop applications that even robust and scalable applications could not match, more proficiently than ever before. So AI-driven automation and user-friendly, low-code environments would begin to usher in a new era for innovation on digital canvases.

Featured image credit: Goran Ivos