My first encounter with a container was when I performed load testing on an application using JMeter. So, rather than installing JMeter on multiple Virtual Machines (VMs), I ended up deploying them on multiple containers on a single VM.
\ I still remember that I was curious to understand how a container can manage to keep applications isolated. I was interested in understanding the networking part specifically.
\ When I searched, a lot of terms were coined around. Like veth, bridges, Linux Namespaces, and cgroups. I had a lot of queries in my mind too.
\ After a lot of readings (yes, it took me some time), I understood a few of the stuff that I would like to share in this blog series.
\ I assume the reader has a basic understanding of Linux, Virtualization, and Containerization on a high level.
Topics to CoverI have broken down this blog post into the following parts
I am going to use Vagrant VM on the Ubuntu host with Oracle VirtualBox v7.0. The biggest advantage of using Vagrant VM is it provides a clean slate to play with. One can destroy, create, duplicate, and share it very easily.
\ Here is the Vagrant File:
cat <\n Create a directoryshared-with-vm in the same location where Vagrantfile resides. This helps to share the data between the host and the VM.
mkdir shared-with-vm\ Start the VM, and log into it.
vagrant up vagrant ssh\ Install a few utilities.
agrant@cnd:~$ sudo apt update vagrant@cnd:~$ sudo apt install -y net-tools vim curl git tree traceroute make dos2unix bind9-dnsutils tshark ethtool python3 python3-pip python3-scapy iputils-ping iproute2 # Note: you may need to restart few services. Do as it pops up vagrant@cnd:~$ systemctl restart networkd-dispatcher.service unattended-upgrades.service\ Last thing (optional, just to advertise my older blog post :stuckouttongue:), you can set the aliases. I do it this way.
agrant@cnd:~$ wget vagrant@cnd:~$ source\ All set, let us jump to Part One.
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