2 Background & Problem Statement
2.1 How can we use MLLMs for Diffusion Synthesis that Synergizes both sides?
3.1 End-to-End Interleaved generative Pretraining (I-GPT)
4 Experiments and 4.1 Multimodal Comprehension
4.2 Text-Conditional Image Synthesis
4.3 Multimodal Joint Creation & Comprehension
5 Discussions
5.1 Synergy between creation & Comprehension?
5. 2 What is learned by DreamLLM?
B Additional Qualitative Examples
E Limitations, Failure Cases & Future Works
7 CONCLUSIONSHow can the learning synergy between multimodal content understanding and creation emerge? In this paper, we present DREAMLLM, a comprehensive framework for developing MLLMs that not only understands but also creates multimodal content via diffusion models. Through score distillation of conditional-image synthesis distributions, we avoid the need for intermediate representation targets.
\ The employment of interleaved documents further enriches the multimodal distributions, fostering the learning of multimodal encoding and decoding. Our extensive empirical evaluations across diverse VL benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of DREAMLLM and the emerging learning synergy between multimodal content understanding and creation. Besides, this work initiates the first step towards interleaved content creation. As a general learning framework, we hope it will spur further research in the multimodal machine learning field.
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:::info This paper is available on arxiv under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 DEED license.
:::info Authors:
(1) Runpei Dong, Xi’an Jiaotong University and Internship at MEGVII;
(2) Chunrui Han, MEGVII Technology;
(3) Yuang Peng, Tsinghua University and Internship at MEGVII;
(4) Zekun Qi, Xi’an Jiaotong University and Internship at MEGVII;
(5) Zheng Ge, MEGVII Technology;
(6) Jinrong Yang, HUST and Internship at MEGVII;
(7) Liang Zhao, MEGVII Technology;
(8) Jianjian Sun, MEGVII Technology;
(9) Hongyu Zhou, MEGVII Technology;
(10) Haoran Wei, MEGVII Technology;
(11) Xiangwen Kong, MEGVII Technology;
(12) Xiangyu Zhang, MEGVII Technology and a Project leader;
(13) Kaisheng Ma, Tsinghua University and a Corresponding author;
(14) Li Yi, Tsinghua University, a Corresponding authors and Project leader.
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