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Crypto on the Go: Advanced Methods for Securing Your Mobile Wallet

DATE POSTED:September 7, 2024


:::tip Ensure to conduct your own research before relying on any of the information presented in this article.




Recently, my Ethereum #etherium was stolen :cry: from what I suspect was a compromised MetaMask :fox_face: mobile wallet, likely due to the theft of my private key. This unfortunate experience highlighted the critical importance of mobile wallet security, prompting me to dive deeper into the technical aspects of protecting crypto assets on mobile devices. In this article, I’ll explore various mobile wallet solutions, focusing on advanced security measures like non-custodial wallets, biometric authentication, and Multiparty Computation (MPC). My goal is to help others understand the complexities and trade-offs involved in securing their digital assets.


Types of Mobile Crypto Wallets :bookmark: Custodial Wallets

Custodial wallets, such as those offered by Kraken :octopus:, are managed by third parties. While they offer ease of use and often come with insurance, users don't have control over their private keys. These wallets are suitable for users who prioritize convenience over complete control of their assets.

Non-Custodial Wallets
  1. Traditional HD Wallets: Exodus is an example of a traditional Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) wallet. Users control their private keys via seed phrases. While this offers full control, managing seed phrases can be risky for less tech-savvy users.
  2. MPC-based Wallets: ZenGo and the upcoming Coinmama wallet utilize Multiparty Computation (MPC) for key management. This approach eliminates single points of failure, enhancing security. However, it involves more complex implementation and potential network dependencies.
Development Technologies :mobilephoneoff: Native (iOS/Android)

Kraken and Exodus use native development for their mobile apps. This approach offers optimal performance and full access to device features but requires separate codebases for each platform.


ZenGo uses React Native, a popular cross-platform framework. This allows for faster development with a single codebase but may involve some performance trade-offs compared to fully native apps.

Encryption and Secure Storage :cloud:

Wallet security heavily relies on robust encryption:

  • AES-256 is commonly used for data-at-rest encryption.
  • Secure Enclaves (iOS) and Keystore (Android) provide hardware-backed protection for cryptographic keys.
  • Key derivation functions like PBKDF2 or Argon2 are used for generating encryption keys from user passwords, adding an extra layer of security.
Biometric Authentication :upsidedownface:

Biometric authentication adds a crucial layer of security to mobile wallets:

  • Face ID (Apple):
  • Doesn’t provide a hash to apps, enhancing security.
  • Limited to device unlock and app authentication.
  • False Accept Rate (FAR): 1/1,000,000 (self-attested by Apple).
  • FaceTec’s ZoOm:
  • Software-based 3D face authentication.
  • Provides cross-device, cross-platform functionality.
  • FAR: 1/100,000 - 1/1,000,000 depending on conditions.
  • Certified for Level 1&2 Spoof Detection (iBeta).
  • Touch ID and Alternatives:
  • Can provide a hash to apps, offering more integration options.
  • Generally considered less secure than facial recognition.
Advanced Security: Multiparty Computation (MPC) :eyespeechbubble:

MPC is an emerging technology in wallet security, used by wallets like ZenGo and the upcoming Coinmama wallet. Unlike traditional methods where a single private key is used to sign transactions, MPC splits the cryptographic key into multiple parts (shards) and distributes them across different locations or devices. This eliminates the need for any single device to store the entire private key, significantly enhancing security.

  • ZenGo’s Approach:
  • Uses threshold signatures (TSS) for key management.
  • Eliminates the need for private key storage on the device.
  • Coinmama’s Implementation (based on NCW):
  • Combines MPC with a policy engine for transaction approval.
  • Integrates institutional-grade security measures.

One of the key advantages of MPC is that stealing a shard of the key does not provide the ability to control funds. Unlike a traditional wallet where theft of the private key would result in total loss of control over the associated assets, an attacker with only a shard cannot sign transactions or move funds. This makes MPC a more secure option for users concerned about the risks of key theft.

It's important to note that MPC is different from multi-signature (multi-sig) wallets. In a multi-sig wallet, multiple keys are required to approve a transaction, and each key is a complete cryptographic key. MPC, on the other hand, involves splitting a single key into multiple parts, meaning that no single part is sufficient to authorize a transaction. This fundamental difference makes MPC a powerful tool for enhancing security without sacrificing usability.

The Role of Hardware Wallets :briefcase:

Hardware wallets, such as Ledger and Trezor, have long been considered the gold standard for securing cryptocurrency. They store private keys in a secure offline environment, providing robust protection against malware and online attacks. Hardware wallets are favored by users who prioritize maximum security, especially for long-term storage of large amounts of cryptocurrency.


  • Offline storage of private keys, reducing exposure to online threats.
  • Physical security measures, such as PIN codes and recovery seed backups.
  • Strong resistance to malware and phishing attacks.


  • Requires users to manage and protect physical devices, which can be lost or damaged.
  • The recovery process through seed phrases can be complex and risky.
  • Not as convenient for daily transactions due to the need to connect the device.
MPC vs. Hardware Wallets: A Potential Shift :nexttrackbutton:

While hardware wallets offer excellent security, the rise of MPC-based solutions could potentially deprecate them for most users. MPC's ability to split cryptographic keys into multiple parts and distribute them across different locations means that there is no single point of failure. This approach enhances security without the need for physical devices, making it more convenient for everyday use.

Key Advantages of MPC over Hardware Wallets:

  • No Physical Device Required: Users do not need to manage or secure a physical device, reducing the risk of loss or damage.
  • Eliminates Single Points of Failure: Even if one part of the key is compromised, the attacker cannot access the full key, making MPC-based wallets inherently more secure.
  • Seamless User Experience: MPC can be integrated into mobile wallets, providing high levels of security while maintaining ease of use. This makes it ideal for both everyday transactions and long-term storage.

As MPC technology continues to mature, it could provide a compelling alternative to hardware wallets, particularly for users who value both security and convenience. While hardware wallets will likely remain a crucial tool for those requiring the highest level of security, MPC-based wallets could become the preferred choice for a broader audience, potentially reducing the need for physical hardware.

Implementation Challenges :crab:

Developers face several challenges when implementing these advanced security measures:

  • Performance optimization for MPC operations, which can be computationally intensive.
  • Ensuring reliable network connectivity for distributed signing.
  • Balancing advanced security features with a smooth user experience.
Case Study Comparisons :compass:
  • Kraken:
  • Custodial solution with institutional-grade security.
  • Uses hardware security modules (HSMs) for key storage.
  • Implements multi-factor authentication.
  • Exodus:
  • Traditional HD wallet with local key storage.
  • Implements BIP39 for seed phrase generation.
  • Offers optional hardware wallet integration (Trezor).
  • ZenGo:
  • MPC-based wallet with no private key storage on the device.
  • Uses facial biometrics for authentication.
  • Implements threshold signatures for transaction signing.
  • Coinmama (in development):
  • Leveraging NCW for MPC-based security.
  • Aims to combine exchange functionality with non-custodial wallet features.
  • Details on specific implementation are still emerging.
Future Trends :unicorn:

As the field of mobile crypto wallets continues to evolve, we can expect to see:

  • Integration of post-quantum cryptography to future-proof against potential threats from quantum computing.
  • Enhanced privacy features, such as the implementation of zero-knowledge proofs.
  • Improved recovery mechanisms, including social recovery and guardian systems.
Conclusion :golf:

The development of mobile crypto wallets involves complex trade-offs between security, usability, and technological innovation. As solutions like MPC and advanced biometrics mature, we can expect to see more robust and user-friendly wallet implementations.

Wallets like Kraken offer a custodial approach with institutional-grade security, while Exodus provides a traditional non-custodial experience with the familiarity of seed phrases. ZenGo and the upcoming Coinmama wallet represent the cutting edge of wallet security, leveraging MPC to eliminate single points of failure.

As the crypto ecosystem continues to grow, it's crucial for developers to stay informed about the latest cryptographic techniques and be prepared to adapt to evolving security landscapes and regulatory requirements. The future of mobile crypto wallets lies in striking the perfect balance between ironclad security and seamless user experience. With MPC gaining traction, it may even render hardware wallets obsolete for the average user, making secure and convenient access to crypto assets more accessible than ever.

\ Please remember to conduct your own research before relying on any of the information presented in this article.


:::info Let me know what you think in the comments! #crypto-api.

