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Best Cheap Cell Phone Plans in USA

DATE POSTED:February 1, 2025

Find a cheap cell phone plan in 2024. Prices will increase daily due to inflation, high demand, etc. It’s very challenging, but you are in the right place. We provide you with a list of the cheapest cell phone plans with all the services you seek, so let’s begin.

Cheap cell phone plans are prepaid plans in which you only commit to a month of services to pay upfront. While selecting a prepaid plan, customers have a variety of choices depending on their usage requirements. However, a prepaid plan costs you less than any other one, such as a postpaid family plan or unlimited plan.

However, prepaid plans have some disadvantages, such as the same national coverage only, the slow speed of the internet as compared to postpaid services, and not getting access to OTT platforms such as Netflix, Hotstar, Amazon Prime, etc., which might not be required.  

The list of best cheap cell phone plans
  • Mini Mobile
  • View at Visible
  • T-Mobile 
  • Verizon Wireless
  • AT&T
1. Mint Mobile 

Mint Mobile has a long list of cheap cell phone plans, but four options cost less than $30. Mint offers the 5 GB plan, the lowest price available for the customers. This PlanPlan includes a decent amount of data with unlimited talks and text.

But there is a condition required to get this PlanPlan at this rate. The condition is that the customer needs to pay for a full year of service upfront. If the customer is ready to pay for the year, then Mint Mobile offers the lowest price possible with many different offers.

 Mint Mobile  Best Cheap Cell Phone Plans Checkout Mint Mobile Reason to buy 
  • Very affordable
  • Other Mint plans are also available for cheap
  • High Speed 5G coverage
Reason to Avoid
  • A cheap plan requires a year’s commitment.

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2. Visible

Visible and Mint Mobile work together to offer an unlimited data plan for less than $40, but Visible’s PlanPlan is cheaper without paying for one year upfront-visible changes every month. With all taxes and other charges visible, the PlanPlan is offered at $25.

The visible charges are less than those of Mint mobile because of their slow internet speed. Whenever the holding network faces traffic, most customers need smoother internet speed. Visible offers customers a monthly premium plan for $45, along with all the benefits and perks.

Visible’s $25 plan is still one of the most affordable plans on the market. Suitable for those customers on a tight budget to visible PlanPlan 

Visible Checkout Visible  Reason to buy 
  • Super cheap
  • Coverage on Verizon’s network
Reason to avoid 
  • Doesn’t use Verizon’s fastest 5G network
  • Data speeds can be slowed at any time
3. T-Mobile

T-Mobile offers the cheapest, 1 GB plan that costs just $10 per month. In 2025, T-Mobile will offer its customers a new 3.5 GB plan at $15. 

Simple connect PlanPlan — is one of the cheapest and bestselling plans of T-mobile networks, but you can choose T-mobile only if you know that you can stick with your data limit at the end cycle because once you hit your data limit, T-mobile offers you two options 

  1. Refill your account by paying for the data 
  2. Wait till the next billing cycle begins 

T-Mobile didn’t slow down your internet as the other carriers’ networks did, but they stopped the internet service completely. However, T-Mobile still offers 5G coverage in its cheapest PlanPlan.

T-Mobile Checkout T-Mobile  Reason to buy 
  • Super cheap
  • Includes 5G coverage
  • Plan features more data than before
Reason to avoid 
  • Refill is required after you hit your cap
  • Annual data boost ends in 2025
FOLLOW US ON X 4. Verizon Wireless

You already know that visible networks also use the Verizon network because Verizon network 5G carriers are one of the best 5G carriers in the market, which is why other mobile networks provide Verizon 5G carriers. 

Verizon offers the cheapest cell phone plan under $40, but when you enroll in autopay, it will cost you 20%- 25% less than the original price of the PlanPlan. For example, if your cell phone plan costs around $35, then after autopay, it will cost you around $25 only. 

Verizon offers a 15GB data plan at $45 per month, but it will cost you around $35 per month only. At that price, customers get a large pool of data. Customers get unlimited Talk, Text, and Data in Canada and Mexico while traveling. It is not the fastest 5G Verizon offer.

Verizon Wireless Reason to Buy 
  • Big Autopay Discount
  • Travel perks in Canada and Mexico
  • A big pool of data
Reason to Avoid 
  • 5G coverage isn’t Verizon’s fastest
Checkout Verizon Wireless  5. AT&T(American Telephone and Telegraph)

AT&T is one of the most reasonable data plans. They offer a prepaid plan with 16 GB of high-speed data for just $25 monthly. But to get this rate, you need to pay for a full-year advance. But if you pay around 300$, payment can match the visible network price plan but a large pool of data with high-speed internet.

When you reach the limit, the speed will slow to 1.5 Mbps, but it will completely stop the internet, as T-Mobile does with its customers.

  • AT&T offers a variety of perks 
  • 10 GB of hotspot data
  • Calls to Canada and Mexico from the U.S
 AT&T Reason to buy 
  • Hotspot data included
  • Provide a large pool of data at a low price 
Reason to Avoid
  • Big upfront payment of $300
  • Data can slow down after reaching the 16 GB data limit 
Checkout AT&T