:::info Authors:
(1) Howard Zhong, MIT CSAIL ([email protected]);
(2) Mark Hamilton, MIT CSAIL, Microsoft ([email protected]).
Table of Links3 Results
5. Conclusion/ Acknowledgements/ References
\ A Appendix
A.2 Detailed NFT Information & A.3 Google NFT Searches Map
5. ConclusionIn this paper, we provide a rigorous statistical analysis of the gender and race biases of CryptoPunks and the NFT market as a whole. We found that gender bias is not statistically significant for CryptoPunks, but racial bias is. Regardless of how we remove outliers, whether we apply a log transform, or whether we used a paired or unpaired t-test, our conclusion remains consistent. As CryptoPunks are well-known and commonly credited for starting the rise of NFTs, biases in prices reflect early-investors’ perceptions of NFTs representing different races.
\ When we analyzed the NFT market as a whole, we also found there was not a statistically significant difference in price between male and female NFTs. For future work, we plan to label race for more NFT datasets to be able to conclude whether the trend of lighter-skinned CryptoPunks being sold for more than darker-skinned CryptoPunks holds for the general NFT market. We believe this price disparity may be due to the demographics of NFT investors. For avatars that are NFTs, people may tend to buy ones that look similar to their appearance.
\ Investigating the gender and race biases are important from a culture standpoint due to the popularity of NFTs. As the metaverse is at its seed stage of creation with egalitarian values at the forefront of decentralization, it is important that inequity and biases in society do not propagate into it. Identifying these racial biases is the first step to drive initiatives that bring equity to NFTs and the metaverse. Possible countermeasures of improving fairness include raising awareness to the issue and increasing access to NFTs to other parts of the world, especially in developing countries. We hope future investors will purchase NFTs with racial sensitivity in mind.
6. AcknowledgementsThis work is supported by the MIT Advanced Undergraduate SuperUROP program and supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant DGE-1747486. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
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